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Josine Opstelten

coaching & energy healing


confidence, clarity & ease

Energy Healing

balance, charge & flow


Coaching &
Energy Healing


confidence, clarity & ease


charge & flow

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Yes, please tell me what is it you plan to do with your ONE WILD AND PRECIOUS life?

Because you are the one to decide what changes could be made so that you can live your life with more joy less stress, more flow less resistance, more health less disease, more authenticity, more self awareness and more overall fulfillment.

You have the moment to moment choice to change and you have the ability to uncover within yourself how to do that.

No matter what it is that has led you to my website, whether the motivation be professional, personal or a combination of both, the intention of my work is the same. The focus is to help you find the balance in your life that feels good for you and to offer you the tools to be able to sustain this balance in the long run.

I am looking forward to meeting you,

Feel welcome

Sixteen years ago I began a new journey in my life. Leaving the business world I set out to find the cause of the feelings of anxiety that were preventing me from enjoying my life to the fullest.

This journey hasn’t ended and probably never will. The reason I am doing this work is because I wish for you to experience the same freedom, excitement, peace and fulfillment that I have had the fortune to experience. Life is meant to be enjoyed and I am committed to supporting your path towards finding your joy in this life.

Whether working with coaching, energy healing or a combination of both, my role is to help you find the inspiration and motivation to set in motion a process of change. A process that you own, but which I wholeheartedly support and facilitate.

It is about you


Every one of us has to take that crucial first step to set in motion a process of change and growth. My role as a coach and energy therapist is to support and guide you in this process and to provide you with the clarity, confidence, inspiration and security you deserve in order for you to achieve your goals and fulfill your hearts desires.

Without judgement and with an open mind and open heart I am able to be present with you as you begin your own journey to transform your life.

It is a moment to moment choice.

My Services

As a coach and energy therapist I believe that your path is unique and that you are capable of reaching the goals and longings you have set for yourselves, both on a professional and personal level. I offer IN PERSON SESSIONS in Italy and the Netherlands as well as LONG DISTANCE sessions arranged individually according to your preferences and internet accessibility. I work in English and Dutch and am proficient in French as well.


Energy Healing

Best of Both

Femke Zwaan, The Hague, the Netherlands

Femke Zwaan, The Hague, the Netherlands

By working with Josine I have learned to prioritize. This has helped me to focus more and automatically my mind has become more peaceful and I am no longer occupied with constant thoughts concerning what needs to get done every moment of the day. The result is a better work-life balance. The stress in my life has decreased and the fun has increased.

Before I started my work with Josine, I was working long hours and my days always felt too short. I was always busy and sometimes I had trouble sleeping during the night because of the excitement of things that were going on in my company. I was looking for more structure and a better balance between work and relaxing time.

During our sessions I was talking and talking and talking, I was glad to share with Josine everything what was on my mind including various projects and business plans. Josine listened patiently and from time to time asked relevant and insightful questions which encouraged me to think about things in a different way. The main things I have learned during our work together is the importance of making a bigger plan; a retro-planning of everything that has to be done. By working with Josine I have learned to prioritize. This has helped me to focus more and automatically my mind has become more peaceful and I am no longer occupied with constant thoughts concerning what needs to get done every moment of the day. My work is more efficient and when I leave for the day I no longer take my job home with me. The result is a better work-life balance. The stress in my life has decreased and the fun has increased. The sessions with Josine were always very satisfying and positive and a good way to structure my plans and ideas and to see what I needed to do first. Josine is a very inspiring, relaxed and a super friendly and warm person!

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