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My story

About me

Sixteen years ago my husband and I made the decision to relocate for his work. This marked the beginning of a new chapter in our life as a family and in my life personally, professionally and beyond. We have since left our native Holland with our three girls moving first to Rwanda, then to Greece, the Ivory Coast, Vietnam and most recently beautiful and exciting Italy where we have been living since August 2024.

After having finished my law studies, I worked for several well-known publishing companies and later started a franchise retail chain with my sister in Holland. Opening and managing many stores was gratifying but also quite intense. Life was moving along and on the surface everything was running well, the business was growing and the children were happy. And yet something inside of me was uneasy. The opportunity to relocate for my husband’s work felt like a welcomed change. I just wasn’t sure at the time what that change would mean.

Leaving the business world behind, my initial focus was on helping my family settle into our new life in our new surroundings. No longer bound by work commitments or part of a set routine, all options were suddenly open to me for the first time since graduating university. It was an exciting time and also an overwhelming one. With all that time and space for myself I was faced with a simple question: What do I long to do.

I was always interested in psychology and health and considered taking the practical path towards acquiring a second degree in this field. And yet something about that felt once again safe and familiar. Knowing deep inside that I wanted to explore new parts of myself, I decided to enroll in the Barbara Brennan school of Healing. Having read through their inspiring brochure I felt compelled to see for myself what it was all about and am to this day so grateful that I took the chance.


My Journey

In 2010 I enrolled in the Barbara Brennan school of Healing at first to explore energy healing as a way to find answers for myself. As my studies progressed and we were assigned to work with practice clients it became clear that I enjoyed and believed in the vast potential of this work and could see that it wasn’t only my life that was being touched by my new skill set but also the lives of those around me. It was clear to me that this was something I wanted to be working with. A cycle of transformation began to emerge and I was inspired by it’s simplicity and effectiveness. Working with clients I noticed time and again how over the course of our work together their individual voice would start to be uncovered. By encouraging them to express and follow that voice, they were able to experience more joy and fulfillment and build on that to implement significant changes in their lives.

In 2012 I joined an incubator to coach young entrepreneurs with their start-ups. Having been an entrepreneur myself I always loved the entrepreneurial spirit and I felt inspired to start coaching as well. I was now able to offer both energy healing and coaching sessions often combining the two approaches when I felt it could benefit the client’s individual process and of course only when the client felt open to this.

Today I work as a professional coach and energy therapist and love what I do so much that I can’t call it work in the traditional sense of the word. I feel I have found my calling and the best way for me to be of service to others. I am also humbled by a sense of gratitude towards myself. This is a new feeling and I am happy to be able to acknowledge the strength it took to listen to my inner voice asking to make a change and taking action to create that change and manifest it into reality.

I look forward to meeting and working with you in support of finding and following your individual path. Nothing is more exciting and rewarding than that!

My Services

As a coach and energy therapist I believe that your path is unique and that you are capable of reaching the goals and longings you have set for yourselves, both on a professional and personal level.

I offer IN PERSON sessions in Vietnam and the Netherlands as well as LONG DISTANCE sessions arranged individually according to your preferences and internet accessibility.

I work in English and Dutch.


Energy Healing

Best of both!


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