Tonje Camilla Kristensen, Norway
Meeting Josine, was about being at the right place, at the right time … We met twice by coincidence and one day Josine called me and asked if I was interested in some coach sessions for my new ”start up” business in Abidjan.
Immediately I felt Josine’s good charisma and it felt good to have input from an experienced entrepreneur. I felt Josine’s integrity and professionalism which gave me the feeling that I had a person in front of me who could see who I am. I needed that, most of all!
Since we met this first time, my life in the Ivory Coast, has changed a lot and turned in to so many different and unexpected directions, so very naturally Josine’s coaching got more focused on my personal needs and where I am in my life now. The entrepreneurship got in the shadow, because that was what I needed.
You helped me to see ME and what is important in my life. You opened my eyes and I felt very comfortable. I am very grateful!